Dhaka To Sirajganj Bus Service |Schedule |Ticket Price| Counters Number

Sirajganj district is located in the Rajshahi Division of Bangladesh, in the northwest. We will also know about the way to travel to Sirajganj and Dhaka to Sirajganj bus service. On a global basis, the tissue industry has become well-known in this field.

Dhaka To Sirajganj Bus Service |Schedule |Ticket Price| Counters Number
Dhaka To Sirajganj Bus Service

The splendour of the Bangabandhu Bridge and the Sirajganj Shaharraksha Dam drew tourists to the area. Most of the tourists prefer to go by bus. We will read the whole article and find out the easy way to go from Dhaka to Sirajganj.

Dhaka To Sirajganj Bus Service List:

Usually, the distance from Dhaka to Sirajganj by bus is 130 km. And the journey time is 3 hours 36 minutes. There are many buses from Dhaka to Sirajganj. Below is a list of buses that go to Sirajganj. You can easily choose a bus by looking at it.

Most of the tourists choose AC bus as the service of this bus is better than non-AC bus.এAs the service of C bus is improved, its fare is a bit higher than that of non AC bus. Take a look at the AC list at the bottom of this page. And non AC buses and look at the Dhaka to Sirajganj bus contact number to easily get all the bus information.

Ac Bus  Non Ac Bus Bus contact number
Orin Travels Orin Travels 01761-086500
Ovi Classic Ovi Classic 01728-588540
Star Lit Paribahan Star Lit Paribahan 01711-788343
S I Enterprise
S I Enterprise

Dhaka To Sirajganj Bus Schedule:

It is very important to know when a bus will leave Dhaka for Sirajganj. Orin Travels usually leaves Dhaka with a single trip at 2:50 pm, and FK Super Deluxe has four trips, with the first trip leaving at 9:30 am and the last trip leaving at 11:55 pm.

Dhaka To Sirajganj Bus Ticket Price:

Between Dhaka and Sirajganj, there are many bus routes.AC bus service and non-AC bus service. Passengers take the service of their choice.

The most crucial aspect is that we have our tickets in hand ahead of time. Ticket fares are two different ACs and non-AC. AC bus service is perfect for those who want to travel in hot weather.

Now we will see in a table below about the ticket price of Dhaka to Sirajganj AC bus service and non AC bus service.

Bus Name Ac Bus Service  Non Ac Bus Service 
Orin Travels 500 Tk 700 Tk 800 Tk 350 Tk
Ovi Classic 350 Tk 250 Tk
Star Lit Paribahan 350 Tk 250 Tk
S I Enterprise
400 Tk 250 Tk

Online Ticket Booking :

We are unable to purchase a bus ticket at the ticket desk. We face many difficulties. But now our life has become much easier. Because now we don’t have to go to the counter and buy a ticket.

The websites are:

  • shohoz.com
  • bdticket.com
  • Kemnejabo.com
  • bdbus.com

Once you enter these websites, you can book tickets and know the bus schedule. It will make your trip easier and more beautiful.

Location And Address Dhaka To Sirajganj Bus Service :

Well, we must know all the information about the bus before going anywhere. We will not have any difficulty travelling if we know all the locations and addresses, including booking the bus ticket.

When we are busy with any necessary work, there is no time to go to the bus counter, and then if there is a phone number at the bus counter, we can book the ticket easily if we want.

In this part of the article, we have given the Dhaka to Sirajganj bus counter number for your travel convenience.

Again, we will buy a dead ticket, but I don’t know the location of the counter, so we will have to suffer a lot.

So before going anywhere, we must know the address, location at the counter. Besides, those who do not know about the Dhaka to Sirajganj bus fair can easily know everything by contacting the counter.

For your convenience, I am now giving the location address of Dhaka to the Sirajganj bus service in a very simple way.

Bus name Location/address  Counter number 
Orin Travels Kalyanpur Counter, Dhaka (Khwaja SuperMarket).Gabtoli Counter, Dhaka (Rajab Ali Market),  01785-993004.01785-993008.
Ovi Classic Mirpur 2 Dhaka district, technical crossroads counter Dhaka District City counter Bus Station 01728-588543, 01715-114095.01715-155939
Star Lit Paribahan Mirpur Road, Mirpur 2, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh, Dhaka Division. 01731-819495
S I Enterprise

Mirpur 2 Counter, Dhaka District City Kalshi Counter, Mirpur, Dhaka District City
01747-875588, 01720-010543.01760-168234, 01992-770166.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Question :

Q. What is the time difference between Dhaka and Sirajganj?

The journey from Dhaka to sirajganj takes approximately two h 46 minutes, including transfers.

Q. What is the distance between Sirajganj and Dhaka?

Dhaka is 109 kilometers away from Sirajganj. This route is 151.1 miles long in total.

Dhaka To Sirajganj Bus Ticket Buying Guide :

It will allow you to choose a better service easily.

The price of all bus tickets is not always the same. The price of a bus ticket increases or decreases with time.

And the tickets for these buses are different for AC buses and non-AC buses.

AC bus tickets are a bit more expensive than non-AC bus tickets because the AC bus service is also good.

Conclusion :

In a word, after reading this travel-related article, you must have got a very good idea about the Dhaka to Sirajganj bus service.

This article will make your trip easier with all kinds of information starting from ticket purchase. Everything about AC and non-AC buses is discussed here in detail. And how to buy bus tickets online from home is also discussed.

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